Beliefs, codes and practices

Our core belief is in your potential to succeed in whatever you want to do. Everything we do is aimed at helping people to uncover and express their potential, individually and together, and to succeed (so long as your intent is legal, decent and doesn’t fly in the face of your own fundamental beliefs).

How we work with you - Our working relationships are based on four key qualities:

Trust: your trust in us to be respectful to your beliefs, your thoughts, your ideas and to be impartial and confidential at all times; our trust in you to be as honest and truthful as possible with us to ensure the best outcome for you of our work with you.

Honesty: being honest in our relationship with you, while avoiding being judgemental (tricky though that sometimes is); your honesty in the expression of your beliefs, thoughts and ideas and in taking responsibility for the actions which will lead to the success you seek.

Openness: in the way we work with you and you with us (but without compromising anyone’s confidentiality or privacy).

Transparency: in how we work with you and in explaining the methods, models and techniques we employ to help you.


Code of Ethics

Next Level Performance coaches and facilitators adhere to the European Mentoring and Coaching Council Code of Ethics, which is normally printed as an appendix to contracts. Click on this link to read the full text of the EMCC Code.


General policies and practices

click here for details

Case study: Marketing company

As Managing Director of an SME there are frequently issues you do not want to discuss with shareholders and they are too sensitive to talk to your management team . . . so who can you turn to for sound, effective help? Jeremy offered me a great solution, he steered me through all of the scenarios and options so that I knew I was making the right decisions for the business and also for myself.

After 36 years in business you'd think I was pretty experienced. Yes, I could identify the business issues which needed addressing but I couldn't always quite stand back far enough to detach myself and be objective about solving all of them. Jeremy helped me to do this in a simple and straightforward way. 

Managing Director
Marketing company, Gloucestershire


Contact Us


Or you can call Jeremy Gomm on 07710 732643

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