Create a ‘Can Do’ culture

Strictly speaking, creating an organisational culture isn’t really possible. A culture will emerge, nurtured by the behaviour of key people whose influence spreads through the organisation. Some of these people will be leaders, some won’t be. So, generating the ‘right’ behaviour from these key influencers will, over time, generate the culture you want.

But who’s got time these days?

It doesn’t have to be the whole organisation, let’s make a start. Just our department? Can do! Just our team? Can do! Just me? Can do!

Take the initiative

It’s an attitude of mind made conspicuous by people taking responsibility, rising to the challenge and making things happen. If there’s more than one of you, it’s often great teamwork, too.

In a ‘Can Do’ culture, problems are challenges, initiative is taken and people are supported by one another and, if the whole place is involved, by the processes and practices of the organisation.

Next Level coaching and facilitation supports behavioural change and encourages a ‘Can Do’ attitude in positive and practical ways – challenging your thinking, unravelling your challenges and not letting you off the hook when the going gets tough.

Case study: Coors

Jeremy was non-judgmental with regards to the overall goal I wished to achieve.

He got me to be honest with myself - a lot of personal reflection takes place post the session and if the session is run well, that is what should happen. Jeremy kept each session focused and timely.

His thought provoking questioning allowed me to come to a self actualisation of the what, why and how I was going to achieve my goal.

He created a “Can Do” approach to achieving success.

Regional Director

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