Personal and team development aimed at taking people to a new level in their thinking, their activity and their life satisfaction


Next Level Performance offers expert coaching and facilitation aimed at enabling and encouraging success and fulfilment in whatever you want to do, for your business and for yourself, through personal growth and learning.

Our personal coaching is solution focussed, aimed at generating a clear and sometimes new understanding of circumstances, then developing fresh thinking to tackle real issues, even those which at first might appear too big or too difficult.

Our team development programmes aim to build into business as usual excellence in mutual support and development, in communication, in quick thinking and quick action, and in leading by example.

Our bespoke workshop facilitation and coaching programmes aim to be really enjoyable experiences, with really effective outcomes which really pay for themselves.

Jeremy gommNext Level is led by Jeremy Gomm. His style, approach and effectiveness as coach and facilitator are recognised in feedback from clients you will discover dotted around this web site.

Jeremy Gomm is a member of the European Coaching & Mentoring Council and subscribes to the EMCC Code of Ethics



Contact Us


Or you can call Jeremy Gomm on 07710 732643

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